Dealing With Stress – 3 Quack Treatments Exposed

November 15, 2010

Nowadays, there is an abundance of various stress relief methods and anxiety alleviation techniques promoted by hundreds of alleged stress & anxiety specialists, sufferers find it very hard to work out who offers the best solutions. I endured a five-year nightmare of anxiety & depression and I can quickly identify if someone who presents themselves as a specialist at dealing with stress actually knows what they’re talking about. Effective stress management means avoiding methods that don’t work and you’re going to discover three widely promoted treatments you’re sure to come across that amount to nothing but quackery so you don’t throw away your money and your precious time.

1.    Food intake and nutrition. Any individual who claims that stress and anxiety are:

Brought on by poor diet and insufficient nutrition or:

Eating a healthy diet will help to relieve stress and anxiety

Doesn’t know what they are talking about and is misleading you. No doubt about it.

All it takes is a little question to work out why:

Does EVERY sufferer of stressful illnesses have bad eating habits and also, is it true that anyone who does have poor eating habits will suffer from stress, anxiety or depression?

For at least fifteen years, I’ve been eating the Mediterranean diet yet for five of these years, anxiety and depression wreaked havoc on my life. It is clear that these problems certainly weren’t triggered by my diet nor did the foods I was eating do anything at all to help me conquer stress, depression and anxiety.

2.    Upright posture and breathing deeply. If you’ve suffered from stress, anxiety and depression you’ll know one thing: When you are in the midst of a mindstorm, thinking that everything is going wrong, that you cannot deal with basic issues and that you’ll never find an answer to the events you are confronted with, taking deep breaths and improving your posture are irrelevances. How any “specialist” or counselor or therapist can recommend this nonsense as “proven stress management techniques” is completely baffling.

Let’s be serious here. When stress and anxiety are so bad you cannot stop your hands from trembling and a good night’s sleep is impossible even though you feel completely worn-out, you may stand-up as tall as an oak tree and take as many deep breaths as you wish but they will do nothing to alleviate stress and anxiety. That’s because the root cause of these problems is not being addressed and that is the key factor in dealing with stress, anxiety and depression successfully.

If a health professional or a counselor advises you to try these to help you alleviate stress and anxiety, then don’t give them a second of your time because they’re talking rubbish. Avoid these so-called “specialists” and don’t waste time and money on them whatever you do.

3.    Disengagement – Lastly, another “surefire” way to alleviate stress, anxiety and depression that will not only do anything but, it may also make these problems even more severe. I’m pretty sure you’ll will have been told:

Avoid situations that make you stressed or anxious.

Great idea! Let’s hide away from life and let’s blame situations for making people stressed and anxious. Avoiding life certainly isn’t a solution to stress furthermore, many sufferers feel that they want to be alone. Shutting yourself away from the world and steering clear of certain people and events may cause you to become isolated, and this will greatly exacerbate stress, anxiety and depression.

Avoiding people and situations again fails to address the root cause of stressful illnesses because no matter what the issues and circumstances are, they cannot by themselves be at the root of stress, anxiety or depression. Those who believe events and circumstances cause stress and anxiety show they do not possess a good understanding about how these illnesses arise, maybe because they haven’t endured one. Do not heed their advice, they will waste your time and money as they will not help you to relieve stress, anxiety or depression whatsoever.

Staying away from stress management methods that will fail you will be a big help in relieving stress as you can apply better techniques that address the root cause instead. You now have important information about stressful illnesses and I urge you to use it.

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